Prof. Besim Boçi

Faculty of Medicine
Deputy Director of Tirana University Hospital
Centre “Mother Theresa” Albania

Specility: ENT-Specialist, ENT Surgeon

Birthday: 29.05.1969
Marital status: Married Place of Work:
Faculty of Medicine, Docent; Deputy director of Tirana University Hospital
Centre “Mother Theresa”, Congresses and events:
Second IFHNOS Congress 2010, Seoul, South Korea
Participant and referent in the second Congress of Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, Kosova, June 2011
Participant and referent in the First EUFOS Congress, Barcelona, June 2011
Participant and referent in the 55th Congress of the Austrian ENT Academy, Wien, Austria, September 2011
Participant and referent in the First Congress of the Croatian Tumor Society, Zagreb, October 2011 Publications
Bulletin of Medical Sciences. Article “Peristomal recurrences after total laryngectomy”, Nr. 2
Vol. 39
Medical Students Textbook, “Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throaght”
Monographic text: “Recurrent laryngeal cancer”
Bulletin of Medical Sciences. 2011, Vol.42: “Vocal rehabilitation after total laryngectomy”
Bulletin of Medical Sciences. 2011, Vol.43: “Nasopharingeal cancer in Albania”.
Medical Magasine. Nr.1, 2011: “ Paragangliomas of the neck”.
Journal of Balkan Union of Oncology: “Postlaryngectomy vocal rehabilitation in Albania

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